Towing attachments drive a great deal of farming. But, do you know how to buy the perfect towing bar?
What is the perfect towing bar?
Towing bars are defined by their ability to connect quickly and tow heavy items. Many are familiar with towing bars that adjust to move other work vehicles. Here are some guidelines for the perfect towing bar.
- The typical Gooseneck tow bar tends to be less expensive than alternatives.
- Less invasive than the typical supportive hitch or tow bar. Meaning that a Gooseneck tow bar is easier to install and runs less of a risk of damage to either equipment.
- The typical hitch is designed only for recreational and private need based towing, while a proper Gooseneck tow bar is designed especially for agricultural and farming towing.
- A tow bar connection tends to use a ball and coupler which is more beneficial for rural work.
- Both tow bars and hitches can be installed into typical configurations.
- However, the weight haul and distribution application tends to favor the Gooseneck tow bar and other tow bars.
- On top of that, a gooseneck tow bar tends to be way less cumbersome and easier for farm workers of all experience to attach and remove.
How does a towing bar help on the farm?
Towing bars can connect Gooseneck trailers, light duty equipment and basic bale season equipment. At Messer Repair, we tend to be big fans of the Gooseneck Tow Bar. But what all can the tow bar do?
- A farming tow bar can help move hay bales as summer comes to a close.
- It can also help you hauling equipment to and from auctions.
- That’s not to mention how easy a tow bar makes it to move equipment and carry tools around your farm.
The 3 pt Gooseneck tow bar is meant to pull a Gooseneck trailer into a farm field. But, it can also pull different varieties of equipment as well. Curious to learn what else it can move? Reach out and ask Messer Repair about towing.
Is a weight distribution hitch better than a towing bar?
A Weight Distribution Hitch gets used by people who don’t necessarily want a towing bar at first. But, the benefits far support the towing bar option. Mainly because a towing bar can help with sway and other balance concerns while also providing farm friendly applications.
How does an anti sway hitch help towing efforts?
An anti sway hitch helps towing efforts by reducing the chance of on-road and traveling accidents.
While that will be a concern for farmers and Ag folk taking horses and other large animals to far off shows and other markets. A lot of what an anti sway hitch does is found in the direct application of a tow bar. Just measure your needs and figure out what works best for you.
What are sway bars for travel trailers?
A sway bar for travel trailers is quite similar to the other attachments we have discussed above. However, it is meant for general long haul and less applicable towards farm equipment.
Where can I find Towing Bars for Sale Near Me?
Towing Bars are on sale at a variety of web sites. But, the real trick is finding a reliable partner that can answer your towing questions and point you to the equipment that is beneficial for your region and application.
How to buy the perfect towing bar?
Buying the perfect towing bar begins with knowing what you need. At Messer Repair, we bring the 3 Pt Gooseneck Tow Bar to the farm and rural communities. Want to learn more about it? How about just watching how easy it is to work with Gooseneck? Watch the video below: